Tallinn University (TU)


Tallinn University is the largest university of humanities in Tallinn and the third biggest public university in Estonia. With five interdisciplinary focus fields in educational innovation, digital and media culture, cultural competences, healthy and sustainable lifestyle and society and open governance it follows a goal to become the promoter of intelligent lifestyle in Estonia. There are six research and development centres in Tallinn University, one competence centre and two development centres which offer professional services in their competence fields. Centre for Educational Technologyhttp://htk.tlu.ee/htk/ (CET) investigates the development, adoption and use of technologies in several areas of society. Special focus is put on technologies in education (learning environments and technologies, digital competencies, game-based learning, location-based technologies for education), information environments and libraries (knowledge management, digital libraries and digital literacies), industry (ICT sector, healthcare, construction etc).


Link: https://www.tlu.ee/en