Report on the two Vision-Building Workshops

Report on the two Vision-Building Workshops

On the  16th of March 2021 and 15th of April, we held two vision-building workshops respectively titled ‘Open and Citizen Science in Higher Education: Co-Creating a Shared Vision’ and ‘Shakers & Makers: key stakeholders in Open Science & Citizen Science‘.

The first workshop was designed to foster best practices and co-design novel approaches to citizen and open science integration in Higher Education. Participants were encouraged to actively discuss and present their experience in this field, collaboration initiatives, models and tools they have found useful, as well as effective ways to engage external stakeholders to find innovative solutions to common problems. The aim of the second workshop was to identify grounds for collaboration for a wide spectrum of stakeholders (HEI management staff, policy makers, funding bodies and members of networks/ consortia of European and international reach on OS, the HEI sector and business), to support and foster the deployment of Citizen Science within Higher Education Institutions.

The outcome of this event is the report from these two vision building workshops, available here below on Zenodo:

Co-Creating a Shared Vision for Citizen Science in Higher Education: Pitfalls and Recommendations Report on two Vision-Building Workshops‘.

This document corresponds to activities under O6A1 of Intellectual Output 6 (Engage, Raise awareness and Foster policy change), aiming to trigger policy change by raising awareness on societal impact from Open Science and Citizen Science inside and outside Higher Education Institutions. This document is the public report depicting the methodology, content and outcomes from two vision-building workshops: “Open and Citizen Science in Higher Education: Co-Creating a Shared Vision” and “Shakers & Makers: key stakeholders in Open Science & Citizen Science”.